Monday, July 19, 2010

The Baby Conference---San Antonio

My family and I just got back from the Baby Conference in Texas. It was a new experience. I won't say it wasn't stress free but we all had a great time. We stayed in a rental house with some dear friends of ours for a week.
There were about twenty-five speakers, that all delivered very profound messages. Although my favorites were Doug Phillips, Kevin Swanson, Mr. & Mrs. Duggar,
& Scott Brown ( by the way I got to meet Mrs. Duggar and Kevin Swanson!!!) I will be touching on many of the subjects in future posts. It was a huge blessing to meet so many other conservative homeschoolers. I think the final head count of the registered 1,700!

We drove the fourteen long hours to San Antonio. Whew, if you want to know the patience level of your siblings ride in the car for fourteen hours with them! Although I was included on the impatient list. We passed through many states with interesting and beautiful scenery. As we passed through Louisiana we got to see the beautiful bayous.
We have many old friends in Texas and got to fellowship with them. Afterwards we toured the 8,000 acre ranch of Dr. Leininger.

After the three day conference we toured the Texas attractions. The Alamo being one of them. Looking among the hundreds of honored heroes we found a Crawford!

There were many moments to cherish.
Stopping at a little red cart for snow cones,
hugging and comforting the crying babies.

In the living room of the rental house we were all piled on the pull out couches sharing what we benefited from the conference, even the three year olds. Afterwards we sang hymns. Truly wonderful times.

It was a unique experience, but enjoyable with my family to share it with.

Thank you Whites for the wonderful fellowship!!!

1 comment:

Kim M. said...

I wish I could have gone with you! I am hoping I can get the DVDs one day. Glad you all were abe to go. What a blessing!