Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Friend I Want To Be

Have you ever walked away after meeting a person for the first time and think "That was one of the most inspirational, joyful people I've met." You walk away refreshed, relaxed, and spiritually renewed. They made you feel good about yourself. To borrow Dr. Seuss's words, you became youer than you.

I have met amazing people like this. And am even blessed to call a few friends. And these humans of walking grace inspire me to try more, do more, and be more. I think the root of this astounding friendship, is selflessness refined.
"If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!" Ecclesiastes 4:9
I want to be the friend who knows what to do when I'm needed
I want to be the friend who is able to get past my worries to heal another's
I want to be the friend who asks endless questions that make the other feel special
I want to be the friend who gives unconditional love without asking for any in return
I want to be the friend who does crazy things with the friend with crazy ideas
I want to be the friend that says what is needed, but covers wounds with reassurance
I want to be the friend that doesn't care about putting my needs out there, who is content to simply just be
I want to be the friend that draws all strength, and gives all grace from my Creator
I want to be the friend who can fall into mutual weirdness with another
I want to be the friend who can see the rawness of a soul, and treasure that soul even more.

I want to be the friend who reflects the ultimate mission...to love my neighbor, love without end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am a writer and a very picky reader, and with that said, I'd just like to let you know that I really enjoy reading your blog. This post got to me a little, though I'm not sure why. Maybe just because my quiet life has always been pretty void of friends...I've never really experienced walking away from someone I met and feeling relaxed or refreshed...so I can't really relate..but it was a good read anyway. Thanks for sharing.